7 Great Grandparent Movies (News and Views, Last Update Jul 2017)
Amityville: The Awakening
Amityville: The Awakening (Movie Reviews, Last Update Nov 2017)
Belle (Bella Thorne) becomes suspicious about her new home when her younger brother, who has serious health problems, is healed by living in their new house in the town of Amityville. And she believes her mother (Jennifer Jason Leigh) may know the secret behind the miracle.
Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim (Movie Reviews, Last Update Jul 2017)
When big, bad aliens immerge from a crack under the Pacific Ocean, Human forces create robots equally large and engage in a fistfight with hopes of saving the world.
The Heat
The Heat (Movie Reviews, Last Update Jul 2017)
It's a good idea to use the buddy system when faced with a dangerous situation. That's why the FBI teams up Agent Sarah Ashburn (Sandra Bullock) with Police Officer Shannon Mullins (Melissa McCarthy) when tracking a drug lord. Problem is neither tough-gal is good at being a buddy.
Star Wars Re-release 2013 (News and Views, Last Update Jul 2017)